GCA Stories

The GCA aims to celebrate our alumni and help them enhance their reach and networks. This initiative, the GCA Stories, creates a mutual space for alumni to showcase their work in the field of human rights and connect with each other.

Each profile in this list has accepted being contacted by others and is interested in connecting and expanding their networks.

If you have previously participated and wish to update the information provided here, please contact the GCA team at hazem.mizyed@globalcampusalumni.org


You can always visit LinkedIn and search for #gcastories to explore directly. There you will see the posts in a random order. 

Meet the alumni- presented randomly:  

LATMA Alumni

ARMA Alumni

APMAA Alumni

HRDA Alumni

EMA Alumni

Do not hesitate to tag the Global Campus Alumni on LinkedIn whenever you share updates about your career in human rights. Celebrating the accomplishments of our alumni and giving them visibility is one of our main objectives.