The Global Campus Alumni is launching a call to select 10 Child Rights Experts to join the Intergenerational Dialogue (2nd February 2022, as part of GC International Conference) among GC academics, experts and alumni.

The purpose of this dialogue is to discuss the key challenges and recommendations on academic research and the sharing of knowledge on the rights of children and youth. It is expected that this session will contribute concrete ideas and suggestions on how academia and universities can improve the teaching of and research on child rights via trainings, courses, and academic programmes all over the world.

A key focus of this discussion will fall on:

1. Research on Children and Child Rights

  • Ethical standards and guidelines on researching children
  • Role of Children/Youth in Child Rights research:
  • Children co-designing research proposal, methodology, questionnaires, etc. with adults
  • Providing feedback, inputs to ethical standards and guidelines for research and university regulations o Expert child consultants and advisors for research on child rights and children
  • Analysing data and report, presentations
  • Child-youth led research
  • Children facilitating mutual learnings: Global North and Global South

2. Digital Spaces, Education, and Child Rights – the role of youth in using online communication to organize and educate (discussion around children successfully engaging online to drive human rights campaigns (examples include Fire Drill Fridays to address the climate crisis).

Modality of the session:

1. The sessions will be held on Day 3 of the International Conference i.e., 2 nd February 2021.

2. There will be two sessions of 60 minutes each on the above mentioned two themes.

3. The sessions will be held completely online.

4. Each thematic area will have four to five presentations from the participants of the GC Alumni, preferably one representative from one alumni association. The participants are not required to write a paper for their presentation. This is an opportunity for sharing of work by alumni in the area and brainstorming ideas for the future.


Proven experience in child rights research

Be an Alumn*

Please note that no compensation is foresee for this position. In case of interest, please send you CV to and by 30th of November.